Queen Nzingha Lecture 29. Get educated or die trying. The “youth” are often conceptualised as a social problem, with Black youth being attached to further demonising stereotypes. Education in institutions and ‘on road’ can and is making a difference but pioneering and innovative youth work initiatives are not being recognised far less duplicated.
Senior Lecturer/Phd candidate Veronica Mason and Senior Lecturer Asha Urbo address some of the issues through their experiences and specialised topic areas; Exploring the meanings and use of Hip-Hop in university and ‘Road Man’ education and The transformative power of literacy with street youth.
They will cover:
- How pop culture and music can be used to fight stereotypes
- How young people conceive learning in a ‘cut and paste’ society
- Life as Black female academics
- What does it take to support young people in both informal and formal Higher Education ?
- What issues and complexities are involved ?
- The Straight Outta Compton/Empire effect
- Sex and Gender in the staff room and youth club
Queen Nzinga was an African Queen who fought against the European invasion of southern Africa (Congo/Angola). The Queen Nzinga lecture series will feature African female academics / holders of expert knowledge, speaking on topics of their choice on a monthly basis. The Nzinga lecture series will provide a regular platform for women of African descent to highlight important issues in an academic setting. You can view some Queen Nzingha Lectures on our YouTube page.